Monday 28 November 2016

Kate's Pobble

The Wave

One calm day in New York City people were wondering around unexpected of what will happen...

Then the city started shaking buildings were rocking back and forward CRASH!!!!! a 24 stored building came crashing to the ground. Then the great bridge was starting to crack in the road. Suddenly water squarted up from both sides of the bridge 20 feet high, then came crashing down devouering the bridge.

The water levels roses the only way to survive was to get to high ground and get into a helicopter.   ]

By: Kate Hindle

Thursday 17 November 2016

Pobble 365 The Shadow

Poppy heard sticks crack. She felt like someone was watching her but it was to late to turn back now she had to keep going. Everywhere she looked there were trees swaying in the wind  but she new that she  wasn't alone. Poppy saw a show again. The fog was getting thicker. She ran up to where she saw the shadow but by the time she got there it had vanished. She looked everywhere for it but there was no sight of the shadow. Poppy looked at her watch it said 7:00 she thought that she should go back but then she heard a voice inside her head inside her  head saying
''Help me''
"Who are you?"
"Get out of my head!"
"Poppy help me"
"No get out"
"Follow me"

follow me Poppy thought but what does that mean? Poppy was frightened now but she just peeped on following the path. "Why oh why did this have to happen on halloween" said Poppy maybe it was the shadow or just the wind but poppy new that she should keep on going. Her watch said 8:00 it was getting dark so she got out her torch out. Poppy saw the shadow agian this time it turned around and walked over. Poppy could see it clearly now and  as it came closer and closer the figure became a girl called Emma. Poppy and Emma became good friends later on  poppy asked how Emma got into her head and Emma said magic and they both laughed.

Pobble 365 - The Creepy Shadow

The creepy shadow continued walking into the distance, suddenly the shadow began to run faster than quick silver, Misty began to chase after the shadow and she was running faster than she thought she ever could, like a fox chasing after a rabbit.She dropped some of the blueberries she had  recently been picking that morning.Misty could hear her black,shoes crunching along the brown, crispy leaves. Suddenly the shadow disappeared  into the foggy mist, Misty sat down on an old,wet long to catch her breath,she grabbed a hand full of blueberries and devoured them instantly. While sitting down she began thinking about all the things the shadow could be, and then it hit her could it be Henry.Her big brother how was caught in a raging fire one year ago near the woods.Maybe he didn't die? She didn't know it was all quite a mystery to her.

By Loralye Mclean

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Bobble 365

As she looked for the mysterious shadow lurking in the woods, she suddenly drifted back into goosebumps. A single tear ran down her cheek, remembering her long lost husband passed in these grimy,dull woods. Julia’s gown puckled over the deceased weeds along the fossiled fence she planted herself down on to the fobiotic muck, she covered her face and grieved in soro, Was it her long lost husband ?

By Allyssia

Kate's Pobble365

Pulling her scarf tightly around herself, she stepped forward into the woods towards the place where the shadow had been... then she saw again, walking slowly to the ghostly figure that stood within feet away from her then vanished. The girl looked around to see if she could see the shadowy figure , but wasn't there. Until a slight tap on the shoulder spinning around terrified, but nothing or no one was there.
"Skylar," the voice said.
"Who are you? How do you know who I am?" Skylar yelled not knowing where it came from.
"Skylar, don't you remember me?" the voice asked coming closer to Skylar who suddenly realized
"Brother," she said in amazment.

By: Kate Hindle

Tuesday 15 November 2016


In the big, loud city lived a wealthy business man named Dave. Dave lived in a 40 story apartment with his family. Dave's job was a business man he loved his job because he was paid lot of money. The problem was that dave didn't have a wife because they split but the children decided to stay with Dave. He felt lonely because when he finishes work there was no body to say like how was your day? and reasons like that. How the problem was solved was that a nice woman named Kelly started at Dave's work and they got married and started a business together and called the business Kelly and Dave's Bro's.

By Josh Gill

Chloe Pobble

Pobble 365

I decided to get out of the house and go for a walk before dinner. So I made my way to the closest track. Passing a park and I saw the swing slightly move back and forward. I brushed the thought away trying to convince myself it was just the wind and a breeze. But in the back of my mind I truly didn't think it was. I continued walking a little further to a track entrance I walked in taking in my surroundings. It was so quiet and peaceful. Owls hooting and rabbits running up the track as I walked I heard the slight crunch of branches and gravel underneath my feet. I stopped and it fell silent, I looked at the dark scenery, the trees silhouettes that stood out the most. It was slightly scary but I tried to forget then as I was about to move forward, I heard a big 'CRUNCH' but it wasn't from me. I didn't dare turn around, thoughts raced through my head 'maybe it was just a rabbit'  'maybe it was a person just walking'  'were the coming after me' I heard it again I slowly got the guts to turn around. I saw something terrifying. A Dark silhouette was standing about 7 meters away from me, I froze. He took another step and another I turned back around and bolted as fast as could. I heard the person shout "stop"!! in the scary and most terrifying voice. I heard there foot steps fasten, he was just behind me, I ran faster and ran out of the bush into and open field filled with fog. I could hardly see anything other than a dim light in the corner of the Field which looked like a street light. I turned back around to see if I was still being chased. As I stood in the middle of the field I saw it standing at the exit to the track laughing with an evil cackle. I turn around and ran for the street light as I got closer it was more clear. I made it to the pavement and recognised the street. I was only a little way from home, I ran home and burst through the door locking it behind me....

By Chloe Thomson

Silage On Steep Hills

Once upon a time there lived a bankrupt tractor driver called  Callum who was frightened easily and very wary of big hills. Callum lived in a small flat on the edge of South Invercargill. He was very talented at field work, such as seeding, plowing, cultivating,mowing and baling, after every field he had worked on it was immaculate. Although, there was a downside to him, he hated doing silage on steep hills. He felt as if the whole tractor would tip and role all the way down the hill. Then a sudden brainstorm hit him, he could just drive the JCB loader on the stack at the farm.

By Ryan



In the dusty, muggy Outback of Darwin lived an old man named Jeff. Who drove a big b train truck. His job is carrying freight to the remote towns in and around the outback. The problem was that Jeff had no one to keep him company when he gets home from driving the truck 24 hours. He felt that way because he had been lonely for 20 years and that was about to change. Then, He moved to Brisbane and met a kind woman named Grace and they both started a coal mine company dilivering coal from coal mine to coal mine in and around Brisbane.

By Josh Gill

Thursday 10 November 2016

Kate's Camp Reflection

1:What were your favourite parts of the experience and why?

One of my favourite parts was fishing because I caught the biggest fish  which I'm really proud of and
because I never caught a fish before.
My second favourite part was going to Ulva Island because I got to see lots of birds that I thought I would never see like the Weka, Bellbird and lots more. Also native plants like the Rimu Tree, Grass Tree and again lots more.

2:What do you think will stick with you?

Fishing because it was my first time and I was really excited and nervous because I thought I would not catch a fish.

3:What challenged you and how did you overcome that?

My challenge was getting to Stewart Island on the boat ride over, trying not to get sick. I over came that because I was looking at where the sea meets the sky and staying calm.

4:Did you feel well prepared for what we were going to see and do? Give examples

Yes, for tramping I had hiking boots, water bottle and lunch. Also I was prepared for fishing because I had warm clothes, lunch and sunscreen.


It was such a cool place I diffenitly want to go back. All the native birds and plants I saw was wonder full.

6:Rate each of these out of 5 and give reasons

1:Accommadation 4/5 because there was not a lot of space.
2:Food 5/5 because it was really delicious and had really good menu.
3:Activites 5/5 because was really fun with lots of games plus all the stuff we did outside.
4:Parents 5/5 because they were really helpful and kind, when I got hurt they would help me by bandaging me up.
5:Teachers 5/5 because they were super nice, kind, helpful and really fun.
6:Yourself 5/5 because I tried really hard every time to finish the activities.

Published by Kate Hindle.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Camp Reflections

Q1: What were your favourite parts of the experience and why?

Josh: My favourite experience's would have to be fishing because of learning how to catch blue cod even though we only caught 4 all together.

Ryan: Mine was also fishing because I have experience and I helped people catch one. Also all the walks because I like fresh air and exercise.

Q2: What do you think will stick with you?

Josh: I think that building Charlie the sand turtle because Owen and I built it with Miss Bradley who is becoming a teacher on December 9th.

Ryan: The whole island and everything because I loved it!!

Q3: What challenged you and how did you overcome that?

Josh: What challenged me was sea sick ness but I over came that by staying active and strong across the Foveaux Strait.

Ryan: Mine was also seasick. I overcame this by changing my view and looking at the horizon.

By Josh# and Ryan#

Tuesday 6 September 2016

2016 Polyfest

On Thursday 1 September the whole school (Yes all 295 students) went down to Stadium Southland and preformed a range of songs, including our school song 'We are Winton.' Each syndicate sang 3 songs including the school song. By Ryan and Owen 

First Aid

                             First Aid

In room 12 in week 5 we have been learning about first aid. In first aid we have been learning the DRSABCD and about CPR in the right situation and also looking for danger when helping a person that is injured. And the DRSABCD stands for Dangers, Response, Send for help, Airway, Breathing, Commence CPR and  Defibrillation.

By Josh Gill

First Aid

                             First Aid

In room 12 in week 5 we have been learning about first aid. In first aid we have been learning the DRSABCD and about CPR in the right situation and also looking for danger when helping a person that is injured. And the DRSABCD stands for Dangers, Response, Send for help, Airway, Breathing, Commence CPR and  Defibrillation.

By Josh Gill


In week 5 we had an Attiude presenter come to our school and talk to the year 7 and 8s about attitude. 
His name was Phill, he told us that there are four personality that you might fit into...
1: The Otter = Entertainer
2: The Lion = Leader
3: The Golden Retriever = Peacemaker
4: The Beaver = Hard Worker
The link to see what personality you are you can go to

He also told us that we can change our future by helping someone the people we care about and not to judge someone by how much money they have or what they look like because the might be the nicest person you have meet. 
Don't make fun of people behind there back if you catch them then maybe the are not really your friends. You should trust them.

By: Kate Hindle

The Olympics

During the Olympic Games Room 12 have been studying a New Zealand Olympic athlete that was competing this year. We all had different athletes and could present our information anyway we wanted to. We had the duration of the games to finish our individual projects and have all the information we needed to present our work. Over the time period of the Olympics we had to have finished: a KWL chart (what I Know, what i Want to know and what i have Learnt), a two page spread timeline in our  Topic Books, a title page, bibliography to record where we obtained our information and a notes section on our athlete. Our project had to include: a Mini Bio on our chosen athlete, their achievements, what is involved in their event, expected and predicted placings, the training needed and their progress, results, and any personal bests obtained during the Olympics.

We have also decorated the group room in our class with lots of information, pictures and our work.  Everyone had a Olympic year starting from 1896 when the Olympics started all the way to 2016. We had to write a small paragraph about our year to go on our timeline on one of the classroom walls, although some people had to complete 2 or 3 paragraphs about the Olympics due to class members being away. Also in the group room is some information such as tragedies, boycotts and cheats, New Zealand at the Olympics, the mascots and more. We completed these activities in groups.

Studying the Olympics was very interesting, fun and educational with so many things to learn about and we have all enjoyed it

By Rylee Nattrass

Thursday 4 August 2016

Soft Material Technology

Soft Materials Technology With Ms Munro

In soft materials technology this week we learnt how to thread our sewing machine and then learnt what a back stitch, edge stitch, 6mm seam, hand stitch and the 10 mm seam is.

What we found difficult was trying to keep a 10mm seam even and not off track.

Chloe would like to change the time limit and would make it longer so we don't have to rush on our projects and more colours to choose from.
Kate would like to make the time longer.
Bj would like to change the time longer.
Lily would like to change the time to longer and more colours to choose from.

Jordan is proud of his how his pillow turned out.
Bj is proud of  how his puppet turns out.
Lily is proud of her hat and her hacky sacks.
Kate is proud of her hacky sacks.
Chloe is proud of her hat. 

Thursday 28 July 2016

Mrs Munro Technology Sewing

In week 1 of term 3 half of Room 12 went over to Technology with Miss Munro. We learnt how to sew. We created hats, hacky sacks, puppets, finger puppets, cushions and blobs. On the first day Miss Munro taught us how to thread our sewing machines and the type of measurements such as a 6mm and 10mm seam. We were all proud of how neat our sewing was and the  finished product.

By Ryan, Josh, Callum, Alex 


Sewing at Technology

This week we have been sewing with Ms Munro with half of or class and the other half of Room 12 have been with Mr Walmot. First of all we learned how to thread up our machine. Later we 
learned how to do a 6mm stitch, 10mm stitch, backstitch to make cushions, hats, puppets and hacky sacks. We even made a Mr Blob which is basically just a rectangle shaped cushion with customisable decorations on top.  The hardest part for us was the hats because had to design them with other people in mind as well as make it at a marketable quality. The only thing we would like to change is that we could go on Friday as well. We were all really proud of our work.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

This term Room 12 had technology at the technology block. We were put into to groups of 14 . One group was at cooking and the other was at wood work. My group was at wood work with Mr Wolmot  and we made picture stands,picture frame and an action figure .

The first thing we did was make the picture frame and the picture frame stand.We got some pics of wood and cut the shapes of them then we glued it and left it to dry over night. The next day we painted them and started on the action figures . We also did the same thing as we did for the other to projects with the wood and painting it . The last thing we did was put metal things on it so it could move.

Term 2 - Reflection

This term we had baking for technology and I must say it was the most fun I've had in a long time. The most difficult thing was trying not to eat the ingredients but when we melted the chocolate I asked the teacher if me and my buddy could eat the leftovers, she said yes. Another challenging part was putting in the right measurements sometimes. The melted chocolate I talked about earlier, I may have accidentally used a bit more chocolate then needed.

We started French in week 2 or 3, I can't remember. It was very interesting to learn the French language. When we started French at the start of the term I knew nothing about the language but now I know 102 words from the French dictionary. Through the 6 weeks of French I feel like I've learnt a lot from the lessons. Now I can speak french almost fluently. If I flew over to France I could probably at least ask for a piece of cheese.

P.e. has been actually one of the funnest activities this term. The game that I liked the most would have been tag-ball. If you don't know how to play, I'll show you. There is one ball, even teams and a sizable playing field. The person with the ball cannot move and has to pass to their team as the people without the ball can move until you pass them the ball. The thing I liked most was probably trapping people in the corners and tagging them.

Overall the first half of the year has been pretty good.

By Owen

Monday 4 July 2016

Alyssa's Term Reflection

I did the most learning in the Matariki topic, because when we started I only knew that Matariki was a star. At the end , I knew so much that I could fill three whole cards with information that were double sided. I found that really interesting.

I would like to learn more in PE because it is great to be able to get outside and enjoy the fresh air, also I think that it is great to be able to learn about teamwork and how to use space. I would also like to learn more science because it's really fun doing experiments and learning interesting things.My favourite experiment was the one where you filled a bottle up with white vinegar and baking soda, then you shook it up and it flew into the air like a rocket. This was my favourite because it kind of exploded.

Something I found challenging was doing speeches because it took a very long time to write and practice, and getting up in front of the whole class to present it. But even though I got through to the next round I am still excited to do it again because I like to challenge myself to do something outside of my comfort zone.

Overall I think that this has been a really good term and I have learned heaps, I hope that the rest of the year will be much the same.

By Alyssa Lambie.

Kate's Term 2 Reflection

What was challenging?
Cross Country was challenging for me because I am not a very fast runner. I am not good at long distance running I over came the challenge because I just kept trying. At the end of cross country I felt proud of myself.

What was easy?
The Pobble 365 was easy for me because it was short and I do writing at home. I am also really creative so it did not take me long. I really liked how we wrote three and got to pick our favourite one I picked 'The Watchers'.

What were the benefits?
I did benefit from speeches because I had to speak infront of the class which was scary because you feel like you might mess up or everyone will laugh at you.

What I enjoyed the most?
I enjoyed doing French the most because it was fun to learn about their culture and local landmarks. The hard part for me was pronouncing the words.

Where did you do the most learning?
I did the most learning on Matariki because I got really interested and wanted to learn more. I learnt that it is the Maori New Year and has 7 different legends. 

Georgia's Term 2 Reflection.

I enjoyed Matariki because I learned that Matariki is more than just a star. There are so many different legends. I was also interested in the many ways of people thinking what Matariki is, how it came to be and how the the legends were told. I thought that the there are so many different legends because the people who made them up would maybe be based on the way they celebrated Matariki.

I thought that speeches were challenging because I get nervous and sometimes get the giggles. Even though I like speeches I am not the best at them. I can never get the time right and I always end up shaking a lot and talking really fast. I also never get through because my timing is always just under or just at the right time.

I would like to do more P.E because you get time out of class and get fresh air. We also get to learn more games and/or skills. Also when we go outside our brains get refreshed so when we come back in all of the kids will be ready for the next lesson. I would also like to do more of Science because all of the experiments are really interesting and fun to do. We also get to write about what happened, how we think it happened and we get to draw diagrams on what the experiment looked like.
In term 2 some of the things i enjoyed were technology learning new recipes and new cooking skills and also french i enjoyed learning about there culture and there language witch i think will help in the future other things i found fun were p.e because we were learning large ball skills and how to use your space wisely. New things we added to our learning was word lab and matariki word lab helped me a lot in spelling and to really know the meaning of it. I found matariki easy because there were many information resources.

what i found difficult was my speech because i chose a very hard topic and i struggled to find information and data we also had a time limit so i had to add more facts and persuasive texts.I think we learned more about matariki because not many people knew anything about matariki so we spent most of our reading time learning about matariki.

The benefits of this term were knowing more about matarikis culture and the maori celebration and in word lab and maths i learned some more techniques and skills it was a great term and i enjoyed every activity

By Allyssia

Madi's Room 12 Reflection

This term we have done LOTS in Room 12. Some of my most favourite things we did/or that happened were learning French, going to the museum and learning about the Kiribati (kid-a-bus) Islands and PE when we did large ball exercises with Miss Bradley where we learned to use space and work as a team.

The things that were challenging to me were, French because of how hard it is to learn to speak another language. Technology, because I have a memory like a gold fish, who only hold onto there memory for five seconds before forgetting everything. And Cross-country, because we had torun about 2km! And I hate running!!

I liked/my favourite thing was, French because its fun to speak another language and its really helpful for if you go to France.

Hannah Term 2 Refection

I would like to do more Technology because its a lot of fun, we only get one week doing it , once a term and we are always in a hurry to get something done. one skill i learn't was learning how to measure the right thing because its very important to get the right amount in case something happens.

What i found challenging was doing speeches because i couldn't find enough ideas to have it with in the time limit. I had to stand up in front of the class and share my speech and i'm not the kind of person who likes speaking in front of the class. What i found easy was PE when we were doing ball skills because i new how to pass the ball in Netball and Basketball and it was easy using the space that we had.

My favourite thing i learn't was french because its fun to learn about how to speak french and other languages from different countries and what they do.

By Hannah

Matariki's Term Refliction

What would you like to do more of?
I would have more technology so we can get more done.
I would also have more Matariki so we can learn more about the legends and what it really means.

What was challenging and why?
Cross Country because  we had to run a long way and it was muddy my shoes were about to come of I wish I didn't do cross country.

what I found easy and hard
I found french hard because the word were hard to say but some of then were easy.

By Matariki

Chloe Term 2 Reflection

Term 2 Reflection

Matariki was the most challenging topic because I had no idea what Matariki was so it was a lot of stuff to remember. But it was easier because we had good resources and it made it fun to learn about.

The easier thing this term were French, French was easy because it is similar to English and the DVD was easy to follow

The benefits of these topics are:

The benefits of French If you ever become a transfer student you will know the language and the culture.

The benefits of learning wordlab are that you can practice the words you got incorrect in a fun way and break them down to understand them more.

Cross Country?
The benefits of Cross Country is for the people that enjoy running to go to central and to get house points and it is good for you fitness.

This term I was with Mr Wilmot and we learnt about woodwork skills and painting.

The benefits of of learning about the Matariki unit is that we can learn about and respect the Māori New Year and all the traditions.

The benefits of speeches are to build your confidence of speaking in front of others, i was extremely nervous to show my speech.

In PE we have been learning to use large ball skills and to use the space given and work as a team.

The most challenging thing this term was technology because i was sick for the first day so i had a bit to catch up on.

Term 2 Reflection- Ryan#

My favourite activity in Term 2 would have to be Cross Country because I made it to Southland and I have never done that before. It has given me a really big boost for next years cross country and I look forward to competing next year. I hope I make it to Southland next year. I am going to train harder and not mess around during the training time given. 

Something I would like to do more of would have to be Technology because it is fun and it helps you accomplish things you might need later in life, such as cooking when you go away flatting, because Mum won't be there to cook for you. Also Mr Wilmot teaches Woodwork which helps if you want to be a builder or you just bought a new home and you might want to renovate.

Something I found challenging was speeches because Im not very organised and I was rushing through it. I don't like speaking in front of the class because they all look at you expecting a great speech. 

My speech was about stopping tourists driving on New Zealand roads. The first few paragraphs were easy but then I started to run out of ideas. After I had presented it, I was one second away from the time I needed (2:59.) 

By Ryan

Term 2 Reflection

The most challenging thing was presenting my speech because heaps of people were looking at me and it felt really good to be over and done with.                            

What would I like to do more of is PE because it's fun and it's healthy for us. I'd also like to more drama like we did at the start year because I like being someone else and I love the action in it.

The benefits for PE are you can get better at running and fitness. For drama it's having fun and being someone else while having a laugh.

Overall-This term has been the best term every because one I got my speech done and I am getting better at everything.

By Devan

Kayden's Term 2 Reflection

What did I enjoy the most? I enjoyed science because we did the soda can jumping and chemistry rocket. the soda can jumping was awesome. When we did the rocket we had to do it fast. I observed looking at all the bubbles and the swirling water. 

What was easy? I think PE was easy because we had to tag people with a ball in tag ball and it was in a small space. The other we had to do was hit the cone so the cone falls over and we were learning to use space. 

What was challenging? speeches were challenging because I was nervous and scared and I was worried that I was going to be under time and I was. For next time I would make my speech longer and read slower. 

Overall I am enjoying the start of the year there has been a lot of easy things and a lot of challenging things. 

Thursday 30 June 2016

Sams term 2 reflection

what was challenging was speeches because it was hard finding out how many people smoke and how many cirgaettes were littered each year and making sure it made sense. technology because measuring the ingredients

Term Reflection - By Lily

This term I found writing speeches hard because it was tricky to make the speech longer than three minutes. It was also challenging to make the speech persuading and humorous to stop the audience from being bored. We had to have an exciting introduction to grab the audiences attention and we also had to have interesting key ideas for the speech to flow. The conclusion had to leave the audience thinking about the speech that had been delivered and they had to be able to understand the content.

We started this term with technology with Mr Wilmot and Miss Munro, which was a first time experience for us.
Miss Bradley had her three week posting with our class from week five to the end of week seven, as part of her teacher teacher training. With Miss Bradley we studied Matariki and the traditional celebrations and legends that go with it.
We did cross-country in our age groups and put in a lot of training and effort. When this finished we were able to move onto our P.E unit, improving our large ball skills in the space provided.
Steph Chambers came to our class to help teach us the French language and to explore the history and modern ways of a French students life.
Our science unit contained a mixture of experiments including 'soda can jump,' which I found entertaining especially when the can hit Richard in the head.

French stands out as my number one preference for this term, I would love to learn more advanced French.
I also enjoyed presenting my speech, the topic was 'why you should choose Invercargill over Auckland to live,' I personally enjoy speaking in front of a large crowd.

By Lily

Term 2 reflection Callum

What was easy?
I found PE and cross country easy because it involved running and I like running.

What was challenging?
I found that speeches and science were challenging because we have to write a lot and sometimes you don't know what to write about and it gets boring. I also don't like speeches because I don't like talking in front of people. I found science challenging because of the scientific terms.

Where did you do the most learning?
I did the most learning in the Matariki project because I didn't know much about it I only knew that they are stars.

What would you like to do more of?
I would like to do more of technology because it is fun and we only do it once a term, and I enjoy making things.

By Callum Hubber

Term 2 Reflection

What I enjoyed the most was P.E because there were games that were new for me like tag ball. It was favourite because it was kind of challenging and we had to think a head.
I think that i have improved the most on my 6 and 7 times tables.The basic facts cards have helped me a lot.
I found the most difficult was writing the speeches because it was hard to find a topic and I had to keep adding on to meet the time.
I think I have learnt the most about Matariki because at first I only new it was a star now I now heaps of story to it.
The thing i wont to more of is p.e because its good to have a run around and get fresh air.

By Sarah. 

Term 2 Reflection Casie

 What would you like to do more of?

 I would like to do more drama because I love acting and it is a great skill to have. I think it would be cool if our class did a play together. We would do great!

What did you do the most learning at and why?

I did the most learning in math because math is not my strong subject. I learnt a lot of ways to work out my problems. Now, I have more than one way of solving something.

What did you find challenging and why?

I found word lab challenging because we just started it and I am still trying to wrap my head around it. Sometimes I wrote the word when we were just doing it on the board so then I do too many words in one day.

Overall, I enjoyed speeches because I love writing and presenting them. Not many people like them (for some reason)
so I am very lucky. Speeches help you work on speaking in front of an audience. So if you want to run for president, speeches can help with that.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Richard's Term 2 Reflection

What was challenging?

The most challenging thing I had to do was speeches. The writing wasn't that hard, but the presenting definitely was. Another challenging thing was Word Lab because it just keeps going on and on. Even now I still don't understand the concept of it.

What would you like to do more of?

I would like to do more drama, like we did at the start of the year. I would like to do more because it was really fun and I enjoy acting. I would also like to more interesting science experiments, but without  so much writing because, well, that's boring.

Where did you do the most learning?

I think I've done a lot of my learning in French. I didn't know anything about the language before except "bonjour" and "wee" which I later learn't was spelt "Oui." I'm glad that I now know several words from the language.

What did you find easy?

I found science easy because it was enjoyable and interesting. All the experiments were differnt and one I had never heard before. Another easy subject was Matariki. There wasn't very much to learn at it was all very easy.


Over this term we have done lots of fun activities as well as being educated. Term 2 has been the term yet and I can't wait for more.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Rylees Term 2 Reflection

This term we have learnt about a lot of things with both Miss Carran and Miss Bradley. Some of the things we did was Cross Country, Science, Technology, Matariki, Speeches, P.E, French and WordLab. 

<<<<Science photos

Ive benefited from Cross County training and Cross Country because now I am pretty fit and that has helped with netball. Doing P.E and focusing on large ball skills has also helped because it has helped with passing infront of a player when they are running, using space and doing strong passes so that the other team cannot intercept.

Speeches was challenging because I hate speaking infront of crowds and thinking of a topic and key ideas was also hard. French is interesting to learn about but pronouncing the words correctly was difficult and also writing about our experiments was sometimes hard because we had to you scientific words and describe what the experiment had done. 

I really enjoyed doing woodwork Technology because we got to learn to use different machinery and tools and what to use the on and at the same time we were making something we could keep and use ourselves. P.E was fun because we got to go outside and work as a team to achieve what we were trying to do.

I have learnt a lot about Matariki over the three weeks we learn about it. Before we started I only I only filled up half of a card and when we finished I completed both sides of two. 

Over all I have enjoyed this term and learnt a lot.  
French Title Page 

Room 12


 By Rylee Nattrass 

Term 2 Refelection

This term I have covered lots of different subjects like, large ball skills, Maths, Reading, Writing and Matariki. The stuff I have learnt about Matariki is that there are 7 stars that are found in the east of New Zealand under the pot which is a another star constellation. In Reading, I have pretty much covered summarising and that is a great skill to learn. What I have also learnt is how to show sportsmanship towards other players in games But need to learn a little bit more about that.

What I found challenging was Cross Country because of having to pace myself though out the Cross Country. What I also found challenging was learning about Matariki because I knew nothing about it but learning about it has tought me how to celebrate it and some legends. In Maths, I have done lots of activites to help me get better. Something I would love to do more of is Pe, Ict and drama because it is very cool to do. Overall I think I have Improved this term because of how my maths and reading have got a lot better Since I started the year of.



By Josh Gill

Term Reflection

This term in room 12 we did lots of fun things like, drama, speeches, our quick writes, and cooking with Miss Munroe, that's just the stuff I liked. I liked drama because I love acting. Speeches because we learnt how to tease out our ideas, our quick writes because it was cool to use our imagination in class and cooking because it helps us to cook.

I found a couple of things challenging and a few things easy. Speeches was challenging for me because I couldn't get it up to three minutes. I also found cooking challenging because it was hard to get the measurements just right. I found drama easy because you had to read from a script that has already been written. I also found our quick writes easy because we got to write what we want.

I would like to do a lot of things more but i'll only name three. Drama because I thought it was fun to pretend to be someone else. Quick writes because I like writing made up stories. And PE because the games helped us to learn ball skills in fun ways.

Vanessa Johnston.

Term reflection

Where\What we did?
For PE we played tag ball and lots of other ball games,While playing the ball games we learnt new and different ball skill,using space and team membership.For playing PE Room 12 used the  grassy field across the road.

Next term I would like to do more technology because you learn lots of important life skills as well as having fun.We cooked lots off different recipes my favourite was the chocolate chip cookies because they were so delicious.As well as making delicious food we learnt how to use an oven,use different cooking tools and I really enjoyed working with Miss Monroe.

What was challenging?

Cross Country because on that day my body was freaking out because I was very nervous I had butterflies and that night I couldn't fall asleep because I was in fear off the next day.

What were the benefits?

French because learning about french and France could be use because someday I might feel like going to France to know the language.

Speeches were also a real benefit because we learned how to tease out our ideas and it helped me stand up against my fear.

What I liked?

I really liked maths because I liked the routine,the different games and I enjoyed working with Miss Bradley.

Thank you Miss Carran and Miss Bradley for a wonderful term and Im looking forward to next term.
by Loralye Mclean

Tag ball -sportplan

Tuesday 21 June 2016


In room 12 we have been doing speeches. I have enjoyed doing speeches because of the topic I have picked my topic is on Tourists should not be able to drive in New Zealand. I have also learn't heaps of facts of the accidents tourists have caused or been involved in.



 By Josh Gill    

Thursday 16 June 2016


This week in room 12 we have been doing speeches. We had to think of a persuasive topic. Most of us had different ideas, but a couple of us chose the same. I chose why Cross Country should be optional. After writing our introduction, Miss Bradly taught us a good way to tease out our key ideas.
After that we wrote our conclusion, we had to make it so it didn't go off track. We had to make our speeches 3 minutes long then we put them on cue cards. I hope the presenting go's well.

By: Vanessa Johnston

Wednesday 15 June 2016


Over the past 3 weeks Room 12 has been learning about Matariki, the Maori new year, for our inquiry. we have learnt a lot such as when Matariki is, what we did to celebrate it in the past and now, the constellation, the different myths and more 

 Makariki appears in late May and early June. It is located just to the left of the bottom of the pot and North East of New Zealand. When you first see Makariki depends on where you are in New Zealand. You can see Matariki from anywhere in the world and lots of counties have different names and legends for Makariki

Lots of different people celebrate Matariki in different ways. Some of these things include: having  bomb fires, a hangi, having a big family gathering, flying kites and more. 
There are lots of different events you can go to to celebrate Makariki all over New Zealand from the bottom of NZ to the top. There are things to do such as planting trees for a future forest, walks with trees decorated with beautiful bright lights, a lot of art exhibitions and more.

In class we learned about some of the legends of Makariki, they were: Tane Mahuta was jealous about Matariki so he grabbed it from the sky and smashed it into seven pieces but it still shone brightly, another is about the chiefs in the sky and you can only see one of there eyes. The third we learned about was that Matariki is the prow of a great waka and other constellations make up the rest of it. The forth was about Matariki and her 6 daughters or Makariki and her 6 sisters and the last we learnt about was that Matariki is the 7 houses of the gods and you go there when you die. All the tribes have different beliefs and thats why there are so many myths 

I have enjoyed learning about Matariki and my whole class has learned so much.

By Rylee Nattrass  



In room 12 we have been learning about Matariki. I have learnt lots of new things about it like when and where it is. We have been learning about Matariki for a couple of weeks now and I have really enjoyed it. Matariki is the Moari new year and is a time to celebrate the new year.

By Josh Gill

Wednesday 1 June 2016

The Watcher

I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I was running with an egg as big as my head, my bare feat felt as if i was standing in a freezer and I was scared out of my mind!  But I had to get back to the Watcher. 

The crows that were perched on the gates had started gathering around me as soon as I left the fortress and when I kept running more and more starting following me until the was a whole swarm of them were chasing me. I had done what no one else had done before. I had stolen the Witch Kings dragon egg! The Water had foretold that only I could steal and hatch the egg.

3 days after the robbery my egg hatched and a beautiful blue dragon was now. mine to keep. The Watcher trained us in and out for three months. Together now, we were ready to take on and destroy the Witch King.

By Rylee Nattrass