Tuesday 6 September 2016


In week 5 we had an Attiude presenter come to our school and talk to the year 7 and 8s about attitude. 
His name was Phill, he told us that there are four personality that you might fit into...
1: The Otter = Entertainer
2: The Lion = Leader
3: The Golden Retriever = Peacemaker
4: The Beaver = Hard Worker
The link to see what personality you are you can go to attitude.org.nz

He also told us that we can change our future by helping someone the people we care about and not to judge someone by how much money they have or what they look like because the might be the nicest person you have meet. 
Don't make fun of people behind there back if you catch them then maybe the are not really your friends. You should trust them.

By: Kate Hindle

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