Tuesday 28 June 2016

Term reflection

Where\What we did?
For PE we played tag ball and lots of other ball games,While playing the ball games we learnt new and different ball skill,using space and team membership.For playing PE Room 12 used the  grassy field across the road.

Next term I would like to do more technology because you learn lots of important life skills as well as having fun.We cooked lots off different recipes my favourite was the chocolate chip cookies because they were so delicious.As well as making delicious food we learnt how to use an oven,use different cooking tools and I really enjoyed working with Miss Monroe.

What was challenging?

Cross Country because on that day my body was freaking out because I was very nervous I had butterflies and that night I couldn't fall asleep because I was in fear off the next day.

What were the benefits?

French because learning about french and France could be use because someday I might feel like going to France to know the language.

Speeches were also a real benefit because we learned how to tease out our ideas and it helped me stand up against my fear.

What I liked?

I really liked maths because I liked the routine,the different games and I enjoyed working with Miss Bradley.

Thank you Miss Carran and Miss Bradley for a wonderful term and Im looking forward to next term.
by Loralye Mclean

Tag ball -sportplan

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