Thursday 30 June 2016

Term Reflection - By Lily

This term I found writing speeches hard because it was tricky to make the speech longer than three minutes. It was also challenging to make the speech persuading and humorous to stop the audience from being bored. We had to have an exciting introduction to grab the audiences attention and we also had to have interesting key ideas for the speech to flow. The conclusion had to leave the audience thinking about the speech that had been delivered and they had to be able to understand the content.

We started this term with technology with Mr Wilmot and Miss Munro, which was a first time experience for us.
Miss Bradley had her three week posting with our class from week five to the end of week seven, as part of her teacher teacher training. With Miss Bradley we studied Matariki and the traditional celebrations and legends that go with it.
We did cross-country in our age groups and put in a lot of training and effort. When this finished we were able to move onto our P.E unit, improving our large ball skills in the space provided.
Steph Chambers came to our class to help teach us the French language and to explore the history and modern ways of a French students life.
Our science unit contained a mixture of experiments including 'soda can jump,' which I found entertaining especially when the can hit Richard in the head.

French stands out as my number one preference for this term, I would love to learn more advanced French.
I also enjoyed presenting my speech, the topic was 'why you should choose Invercargill over Auckland to live,' I personally enjoy speaking in front of a large crowd.

By Lily