Wednesday 29 June 2016

Richard's Term 2 Reflection

What was challenging?

The most challenging thing I had to do was speeches. The writing wasn't that hard, but the presenting definitely was. Another challenging thing was Word Lab because it just keeps going on and on. Even now I still don't understand the concept of it.

What would you like to do more of?

I would like to do more drama, like we did at the start of the year. I would like to do more because it was really fun and I enjoy acting. I would also like to more interesting science experiments, but without  so much writing because, well, that's boring.

Where did you do the most learning?

I think I've done a lot of my learning in French. I didn't know anything about the language before except "bonjour" and "wee" which I later learn't was spelt "Oui." I'm glad that I now know several words from the language.

What did you find easy?

I found science easy because it was enjoyable and interesting. All the experiments were differnt and one I had never heard before. Another easy subject was Matariki. There wasn't very much to learn at it was all very easy.


Over this term we have done lots of fun activities as well as being educated. Term 2 has been the term yet and I can't wait for more.

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