Monday 4 July 2016

Term 2 Reflection- Ryan#

My favourite activity in Term 2 would have to be Cross Country because I made it to Southland and I have never done that before. It has given me a really big boost for next years cross country and I look forward to competing next year. I hope I make it to Southland next year. I am going to train harder and not mess around during the training time given. 

Something I would like to do more of would have to be Technology because it is fun and it helps you accomplish things you might need later in life, such as cooking when you go away flatting, because Mum won't be there to cook for you. Also Mr Wilmot teaches Woodwork which helps if you want to be a builder or you just bought a new home and you might want to renovate.

Something I found challenging was speeches because Im not very organised and I was rushing through it. I don't like speaking in front of the class because they all look at you expecting a great speech. 

My speech was about stopping tourists driving on New Zealand roads. The first few paragraphs were easy but then I started to run out of ideas. After I had presented it, I was one second away from the time I needed (2:59.) 

By Ryan

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