Monday 4 July 2016

Hannah Term 2 Refection

I would like to do more Technology because its a lot of fun, we only get one week doing it , once a term and we are always in a hurry to get something done. one skill i learn't was learning how to measure the right thing because its very important to get the right amount in case something happens.

What i found challenging was doing speeches because i couldn't find enough ideas to have it with in the time limit. I had to stand up in front of the class and share my speech and i'm not the kind of person who likes speaking in front of the class. What i found easy was PE when we were doing ball skills because i new how to pass the ball in Netball and Basketball and it was easy using the space that we had.

My favourite thing i learn't was french because its fun to learn about how to speak french and other languages from different countries and what they do.

By Hannah

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