Thursday 27 October 2016

Camp Reflections

Q1: What were your favourite parts of the experience and why?

Josh: My favourite experience's would have to be fishing because of learning how to catch blue cod even though we only caught 4 all together.

Ryan: Mine was also fishing because I have experience and I helped people catch one. Also all the walks because I like fresh air and exercise.

Q2: What do you think will stick with you?

Josh: I think that building Charlie the sand turtle because Owen and I built it with Miss Bradley who is becoming a teacher on December 9th.

Ryan: The whole island and everything because I loved it!!

Q3: What challenged you and how did you overcome that?

Josh: What challenged me was sea sick ness but I over came that by staying active and strong across the Foveaux Strait.

Ryan: Mine was also seasick. I overcame this by changing my view and looking at the horizon.

By Josh# and Ryan#

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