Thursday 28 July 2016

Mrs Munro Technology Sewing

In week 1 of term 3 half of Room 12 went over to Technology with Miss Munro. We learnt how to sew. We created hats, hacky sacks, puppets, finger puppets, cushions and blobs. On the first day Miss Munro taught us how to thread our sewing machines and the type of measurements such as a 6mm and 10mm seam. We were all proud of how neat our sewing was and the  finished product.

By Ryan, Josh, Callum, Alex 


Sewing at Technology

This week we have been sewing with Ms Munro with half of or class and the other half of Room 12 have been with Mr Walmot. First of all we learned how to thread up our machine. Later we 
learned how to do a 6mm stitch, 10mm stitch, backstitch to make cushions, hats, puppets and hacky sacks. We even made a Mr Blob which is basically just a rectangle shaped cushion with customisable decorations on top.  The hardest part for us was the hats because had to design them with other people in mind as well as make it at a marketable quality. The only thing we would like to change is that we could go on Friday as well. We were all really proud of our work.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

This term Room 12 had technology at the technology block. We were put into to groups of 14 . One group was at cooking and the other was at wood work. My group was at wood work with Mr Wolmot  and we made picture stands,picture frame and an action figure .

The first thing we did was make the picture frame and the picture frame stand.We got some pics of wood and cut the shapes of them then we glued it and left it to dry over night. The next day we painted them and started on the action figures . We also did the same thing as we did for the other to projects with the wood and painting it . The last thing we did was put metal things on it so it could move.

Term 2 - Reflection

This term we had baking for technology and I must say it was the most fun I've had in a long time. The most difficult thing was trying not to eat the ingredients but when we melted the chocolate I asked the teacher if me and my buddy could eat the leftovers, she said yes. Another challenging part was putting in the right measurements sometimes. The melted chocolate I talked about earlier, I may have accidentally used a bit more chocolate then needed.

We started French in week 2 or 3, I can't remember. It was very interesting to learn the French language. When we started French at the start of the term I knew nothing about the language but now I know 102 words from the French dictionary. Through the 6 weeks of French I feel like I've learnt a lot from the lessons. Now I can speak french almost fluently. If I flew over to France I could probably at least ask for a piece of cheese.

P.e. has been actually one of the funnest activities this term. The game that I liked the most would have been tag-ball. If you don't know how to play, I'll show you. There is one ball, even teams and a sizable playing field. The person with the ball cannot move and has to pass to their team as the people without the ball can move until you pass them the ball. The thing I liked most was probably trapping people in the corners and tagging them.

Overall the first half of the year has been pretty good.

By Owen

Monday 4 July 2016

Alyssa's Term Reflection

I did the most learning in the Matariki topic, because when we started I only knew that Matariki was a star. At the end , I knew so much that I could fill three whole cards with information that were double sided. I found that really interesting.

I would like to learn more in PE because it is great to be able to get outside and enjoy the fresh air, also I think that it is great to be able to learn about teamwork and how to use space. I would also like to learn more science because it's really fun doing experiments and learning interesting things.My favourite experiment was the one where you filled a bottle up with white vinegar and baking soda, then you shook it up and it flew into the air like a rocket. This was my favourite because it kind of exploded.

Something I found challenging was doing speeches because it took a very long time to write and practice, and getting up in front of the whole class to present it. But even though I got through to the next round I am still excited to do it again because I like to challenge myself to do something outside of my comfort zone.

Overall I think that this has been a really good term and I have learned heaps, I hope that the rest of the year will be much the same.

By Alyssa Lambie.

Kate's Term 2 Reflection

What was challenging?
Cross Country was challenging for me because I am not a very fast runner. I am not good at long distance running I over came the challenge because I just kept trying. At the end of cross country I felt proud of myself.

What was easy?
The Pobble 365 was easy for me because it was short and I do writing at home. I am also really creative so it did not take me long. I really liked how we wrote three and got to pick our favourite one I picked 'The Watchers'.

What were the benefits?
I did benefit from speeches because I had to speak infront of the class which was scary because you feel like you might mess up or everyone will laugh at you.

What I enjoyed the most?
I enjoyed doing French the most because it was fun to learn about their culture and local landmarks. The hard part for me was pronouncing the words.

Where did you do the most learning?
I did the most learning on Matariki because I got really interested and wanted to learn more. I learnt that it is the Maori New Year and has 7 different legends. 

Georgia's Term 2 Reflection.

I enjoyed Matariki because I learned that Matariki is more than just a star. There are so many different legends. I was also interested in the many ways of people thinking what Matariki is, how it came to be and how the the legends were told. I thought that the there are so many different legends because the people who made them up would maybe be based on the way they celebrated Matariki.

I thought that speeches were challenging because I get nervous and sometimes get the giggles. Even though I like speeches I am not the best at them. I can never get the time right and I always end up shaking a lot and talking really fast. I also never get through because my timing is always just under or just at the right time.

I would like to do more P.E because you get time out of class and get fresh air. We also get to learn more games and/or skills. Also when we go outside our brains get refreshed so when we come back in all of the kids will be ready for the next lesson. I would also like to do more of Science because all of the experiments are really interesting and fun to do. We also get to write about what happened, how we think it happened and we get to draw diagrams on what the experiment looked like.
In term 2 some of the things i enjoyed were technology learning new recipes and new cooking skills and also french i enjoyed learning about there culture and there language witch i think will help in the future other things i found fun were p.e because we were learning large ball skills and how to use your space wisely. New things we added to our learning was word lab and matariki word lab helped me a lot in spelling and to really know the meaning of it. I found matariki easy because there were many information resources.

what i found difficult was my speech because i chose a very hard topic and i struggled to find information and data we also had a time limit so i had to add more facts and persuasive texts.I think we learned more about matariki because not many people knew anything about matariki so we spent most of our reading time learning about matariki.

The benefits of this term were knowing more about matarikis culture and the maori celebration and in word lab and maths i learned some more techniques and skills it was a great term and i enjoyed every activity

By Allyssia

Madi's Room 12 Reflection

This term we have done LOTS in Room 12. Some of my most favourite things we did/or that happened were learning French, going to the museum and learning about the Kiribati (kid-a-bus) Islands and PE when we did large ball exercises with Miss Bradley where we learned to use space and work as a team.

The things that were challenging to me were, French because of how hard it is to learn to speak another language. Technology, because I have a memory like a gold fish, who only hold onto there memory for five seconds before forgetting everything. And Cross-country, because we had torun about 2km! And I hate running!!

I liked/my favourite thing was, French because its fun to speak another language and its really helpful for if you go to France.

Hannah Term 2 Refection

I would like to do more Technology because its a lot of fun, we only get one week doing it , once a term and we are always in a hurry to get something done. one skill i learn't was learning how to measure the right thing because its very important to get the right amount in case something happens.

What i found challenging was doing speeches because i couldn't find enough ideas to have it with in the time limit. I had to stand up in front of the class and share my speech and i'm not the kind of person who likes speaking in front of the class. What i found easy was PE when we were doing ball skills because i new how to pass the ball in Netball and Basketball and it was easy using the space that we had.

My favourite thing i learn't was french because its fun to learn about how to speak french and other languages from different countries and what they do.

By Hannah

Matariki's Term Refliction

What would you like to do more of?
I would have more technology so we can get more done.
I would also have more Matariki so we can learn more about the legends and what it really means.

What was challenging and why?
Cross Country because  we had to run a long way and it was muddy my shoes were about to come of I wish I didn't do cross country.

what I found easy and hard
I found french hard because the word were hard to say but some of then were easy.

By Matariki

Chloe Term 2 Reflection

Term 2 Reflection

Matariki was the most challenging topic because I had no idea what Matariki was so it was a lot of stuff to remember. But it was easier because we had good resources and it made it fun to learn about.

The easier thing this term were French, French was easy because it is similar to English and the DVD was easy to follow

The benefits of these topics are:

The benefits of French If you ever become a transfer student you will know the language and the culture.

The benefits of learning wordlab are that you can practice the words you got incorrect in a fun way and break them down to understand them more.

Cross Country?
The benefits of Cross Country is for the people that enjoy running to go to central and to get house points and it is good for you fitness.

This term I was with Mr Wilmot and we learnt about woodwork skills and painting.

The benefits of of learning about the Matariki unit is that we can learn about and respect the Māori New Year and all the traditions.

The benefits of speeches are to build your confidence of speaking in front of others, i was extremely nervous to show my speech.

In PE we have been learning to use large ball skills and to use the space given and work as a team.

The most challenging thing this term was technology because i was sick for the first day so i had a bit to catch up on.

Term 2 Reflection- Ryan#

My favourite activity in Term 2 would have to be Cross Country because I made it to Southland and I have never done that before. It has given me a really big boost for next years cross country and I look forward to competing next year. I hope I make it to Southland next year. I am going to train harder and not mess around during the training time given. 

Something I would like to do more of would have to be Technology because it is fun and it helps you accomplish things you might need later in life, such as cooking when you go away flatting, because Mum won't be there to cook for you. Also Mr Wilmot teaches Woodwork which helps if you want to be a builder or you just bought a new home and you might want to renovate.

Something I found challenging was speeches because Im not very organised and I was rushing through it. I don't like speaking in front of the class because they all look at you expecting a great speech. 

My speech was about stopping tourists driving on New Zealand roads. The first few paragraphs were easy but then I started to run out of ideas. After I had presented it, I was one second away from the time I needed (2:59.) 

By Ryan

Term 2 Reflection

The most challenging thing was presenting my speech because heaps of people were looking at me and it felt really good to be over and done with.                            

What would I like to do more of is PE because it's fun and it's healthy for us. I'd also like to more drama like we did at the start year because I like being someone else and I love the action in it.

The benefits for PE are you can get better at running and fitness. For drama it's having fun and being someone else while having a laugh.

Overall-This term has been the best term every because one I got my speech done and I am getting better at everything.

By Devan

Kayden's Term 2 Reflection

What did I enjoy the most? I enjoyed science because we did the soda can jumping and chemistry rocket. the soda can jumping was awesome. When we did the rocket we had to do it fast. I observed looking at all the bubbles and the swirling water. 

What was easy? I think PE was easy because we had to tag people with a ball in tag ball and it was in a small space. The other we had to do was hit the cone so the cone falls over and we were learning to use space. 

What was challenging? speeches were challenging because I was nervous and scared and I was worried that I was going to be under time and I was. For next time I would make my speech longer and read slower. 

Overall I am enjoying the start of the year there has been a lot of easy things and a lot of challenging things.