Thursday 30 June 2016

Sams term 2 reflection

what was challenging was speeches because it was hard finding out how many people smoke and how many cirgaettes were littered each year and making sure it made sense. technology because measuring the ingredients

Term Reflection - By Lily

This term I found writing speeches hard because it was tricky to make the speech longer than three minutes. It was also challenging to make the speech persuading and humorous to stop the audience from being bored. We had to have an exciting introduction to grab the audiences attention and we also had to have interesting key ideas for the speech to flow. The conclusion had to leave the audience thinking about the speech that had been delivered and they had to be able to understand the content.

We started this term with technology with Mr Wilmot and Miss Munro, which was a first time experience for us.
Miss Bradley had her three week posting with our class from week five to the end of week seven, as part of her teacher teacher training. With Miss Bradley we studied Matariki and the traditional celebrations and legends that go with it.
We did cross-country in our age groups and put in a lot of training and effort. When this finished we were able to move onto our P.E unit, improving our large ball skills in the space provided.
Steph Chambers came to our class to help teach us the French language and to explore the history and modern ways of a French students life.
Our science unit contained a mixture of experiments including 'soda can jump,' which I found entertaining especially when the can hit Richard in the head.

French stands out as my number one preference for this term, I would love to learn more advanced French.
I also enjoyed presenting my speech, the topic was 'why you should choose Invercargill over Auckland to live,' I personally enjoy speaking in front of a large crowd.

By Lily

Term 2 reflection Callum

What was easy?
I found PE and cross country easy because it involved running and I like running.

What was challenging?
I found that speeches and science were challenging because we have to write a lot and sometimes you don't know what to write about and it gets boring. I also don't like speeches because I don't like talking in front of people. I found science challenging because of the scientific terms.

Where did you do the most learning?
I did the most learning in the Matariki project because I didn't know much about it I only knew that they are stars.

What would you like to do more of?
I would like to do more of technology because it is fun and we only do it once a term, and I enjoy making things.

By Callum Hubber

Term 2 Reflection

What I enjoyed the most was P.E because there were games that were new for me like tag ball. It was favourite because it was kind of challenging and we had to think a head.
I think that i have improved the most on my 6 and 7 times tables.The basic facts cards have helped me a lot.
I found the most difficult was writing the speeches because it was hard to find a topic and I had to keep adding on to meet the time.
I think I have learnt the most about Matariki because at first I only new it was a star now I now heaps of story to it.
The thing i wont to more of is p.e because its good to have a run around and get fresh air.

By Sarah. 

Term 2 Reflection Casie

 What would you like to do more of?

 I would like to do more drama because I love acting and it is a great skill to have. I think it would be cool if our class did a play together. We would do great!

What did you do the most learning at and why?

I did the most learning in math because math is not my strong subject. I learnt a lot of ways to work out my problems. Now, I have more than one way of solving something.

What did you find challenging and why?

I found word lab challenging because we just started it and I am still trying to wrap my head around it. Sometimes I wrote the word when we were just doing it on the board so then I do too many words in one day.

Overall, I enjoyed speeches because I love writing and presenting them. Not many people like them (for some reason)
so I am very lucky. Speeches help you work on speaking in front of an audience. So if you want to run for president, speeches can help with that.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Richard's Term 2 Reflection

What was challenging?

The most challenging thing I had to do was speeches. The writing wasn't that hard, but the presenting definitely was. Another challenging thing was Word Lab because it just keeps going on and on. Even now I still don't understand the concept of it.

What would you like to do more of?

I would like to do more drama, like we did at the start of the year. I would like to do more because it was really fun and I enjoy acting. I would also like to more interesting science experiments, but without  so much writing because, well, that's boring.

Where did you do the most learning?

I think I've done a lot of my learning in French. I didn't know anything about the language before except "bonjour" and "wee" which I later learn't was spelt "Oui." I'm glad that I now know several words from the language.

What did you find easy?

I found science easy because it was enjoyable and interesting. All the experiments were differnt and one I had never heard before. Another easy subject was Matariki. There wasn't very much to learn at it was all very easy.


Over this term we have done lots of fun activities as well as being educated. Term 2 has been the term yet and I can't wait for more.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Rylees Term 2 Reflection

This term we have learnt about a lot of things with both Miss Carran and Miss Bradley. Some of the things we did was Cross Country, Science, Technology, Matariki, Speeches, P.E, French and WordLab. 

<<<<Science photos

Ive benefited from Cross County training and Cross Country because now I am pretty fit and that has helped with netball. Doing P.E and focusing on large ball skills has also helped because it has helped with passing infront of a player when they are running, using space and doing strong passes so that the other team cannot intercept.

Speeches was challenging because I hate speaking infront of crowds and thinking of a topic and key ideas was also hard. French is interesting to learn about but pronouncing the words correctly was difficult and also writing about our experiments was sometimes hard because we had to you scientific words and describe what the experiment had done. 

I really enjoyed doing woodwork Technology because we got to learn to use different machinery and tools and what to use the on and at the same time we were making something we could keep and use ourselves. P.E was fun because we got to go outside and work as a team to achieve what we were trying to do.

I have learnt a lot about Matariki over the three weeks we learn about it. Before we started I only I only filled up half of a card and when we finished I completed both sides of two. 

Over all I have enjoyed this term and learnt a lot.  
French Title Page 

Room 12


 By Rylee Nattrass 

Term 2 Refelection

This term I have covered lots of different subjects like, large ball skills, Maths, Reading, Writing and Matariki. The stuff I have learnt about Matariki is that there are 7 stars that are found in the east of New Zealand under the pot which is a another star constellation. In Reading, I have pretty much covered summarising and that is a great skill to learn. What I have also learnt is how to show sportsmanship towards other players in games But need to learn a little bit more about that.

What I found challenging was Cross Country because of having to pace myself though out the Cross Country. What I also found challenging was learning about Matariki because I knew nothing about it but learning about it has tought me how to celebrate it and some legends. In Maths, I have done lots of activites to help me get better. Something I would love to do more of is Pe, Ict and drama because it is very cool to do. Overall I think I have Improved this term because of how my maths and reading have got a lot better Since I started the year of.



By Josh Gill

Term Reflection

This term in room 12 we did lots of fun things like, drama, speeches, our quick writes, and cooking with Miss Munroe, that's just the stuff I liked. I liked drama because I love acting. Speeches because we learnt how to tease out our ideas, our quick writes because it was cool to use our imagination in class and cooking because it helps us to cook.

I found a couple of things challenging and a few things easy. Speeches was challenging for me because I couldn't get it up to three minutes. I also found cooking challenging because it was hard to get the measurements just right. I found drama easy because you had to read from a script that has already been written. I also found our quick writes easy because we got to write what we want.

I would like to do a lot of things more but i'll only name three. Drama because I thought it was fun to pretend to be someone else. Quick writes because I like writing made up stories. And PE because the games helped us to learn ball skills in fun ways.

Vanessa Johnston.

Term reflection

Where\What we did?
For PE we played tag ball and lots of other ball games,While playing the ball games we learnt new and different ball skill,using space and team membership.For playing PE Room 12 used the  grassy field across the road.

Next term I would like to do more technology because you learn lots of important life skills as well as having fun.We cooked lots off different recipes my favourite was the chocolate chip cookies because they were so delicious.As well as making delicious food we learnt how to use an oven,use different cooking tools and I really enjoyed working with Miss Monroe.

What was challenging?

Cross Country because on that day my body was freaking out because I was very nervous I had butterflies and that night I couldn't fall asleep because I was in fear off the next day.

What were the benefits?

French because learning about french and France could be use because someday I might feel like going to France to know the language.

Speeches were also a real benefit because we learned how to tease out our ideas and it helped me stand up against my fear.

What I liked?

I really liked maths because I liked the routine,the different games and I enjoyed working with Miss Bradley.

Thank you Miss Carran and Miss Bradley for a wonderful term and Im looking forward to next term.
by Loralye Mclean

Tag ball -sportplan

Tuesday 21 June 2016


In room 12 we have been doing speeches. I have enjoyed doing speeches because of the topic I have picked my topic is on Tourists should not be able to drive in New Zealand. I have also learn't heaps of facts of the accidents tourists have caused or been involved in.



 By Josh Gill    

Thursday 16 June 2016


This week in room 12 we have been doing speeches. We had to think of a persuasive topic. Most of us had different ideas, but a couple of us chose the same. I chose why Cross Country should be optional. After writing our introduction, Miss Bradly taught us a good way to tease out our key ideas.
After that we wrote our conclusion, we had to make it so it didn't go off track. We had to make our speeches 3 minutes long then we put them on cue cards. I hope the presenting go's well.

By: Vanessa Johnston

Wednesday 15 June 2016


Over the past 3 weeks Room 12 has been learning about Matariki, the Maori new year, for our inquiry. we have learnt a lot such as when Matariki is, what we did to celebrate it in the past and now, the constellation, the different myths and more 

 Makariki appears in late May and early June. It is located just to the left of the bottom of the pot and North East of New Zealand. When you first see Makariki depends on where you are in New Zealand. You can see Matariki from anywhere in the world and lots of counties have different names and legends for Makariki

Lots of different people celebrate Matariki in different ways. Some of these things include: having  bomb fires, a hangi, having a big family gathering, flying kites and more. 
There are lots of different events you can go to to celebrate Makariki all over New Zealand from the bottom of NZ to the top. There are things to do such as planting trees for a future forest, walks with trees decorated with beautiful bright lights, a lot of art exhibitions and more.

In class we learned about some of the legends of Makariki, they were: Tane Mahuta was jealous about Matariki so he grabbed it from the sky and smashed it into seven pieces but it still shone brightly, another is about the chiefs in the sky and you can only see one of there eyes. The third we learned about was that Matariki is the prow of a great waka and other constellations make up the rest of it. The forth was about Matariki and her 6 daughters or Makariki and her 6 sisters and the last we learnt about was that Matariki is the 7 houses of the gods and you go there when you die. All the tribes have different beliefs and thats why there are so many myths 

I have enjoyed learning about Matariki and my whole class has learned so much.

By Rylee Nattrass  



In room 12 we have been learning about Matariki. I have learnt lots of new things about it like when and where it is. We have been learning about Matariki for a couple of weeks now and I have really enjoyed it. Matariki is the Moari new year and is a time to celebrate the new year.

By Josh Gill

Wednesday 1 June 2016

The Watcher

I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I was running with an egg as big as my head, my bare feat felt as if i was standing in a freezer and I was scared out of my mind!  But I had to get back to the Watcher. 

The crows that were perched on the gates had started gathering around me as soon as I left the fortress and when I kept running more and more starting following me until the was a whole swarm of them were chasing me. I had done what no one else had done before. I had stolen the Witch Kings dragon egg! The Water had foretold that only I could steal and hatch the egg.

3 days after the robbery my egg hatched and a beautiful blue dragon was now. mine to keep. The Watcher trained us in and out for three months. Together now, we were ready to take on and destroy the Witch King.

By Rylee Nattrass 

The Invasion


One day in the rain forest some gigantic angry giants came along. They were really peed off about something. I destroyed there lovely kingdom with my handsome stalion and my brave troops.

They are coming to invade me now with their old, rickity airships and their gigantic angry giants. I wondered what they’re going to do. Then I saw the airships bombing the nearby town. It was called Old Village. Then I see the airship bombing my kingdom. And that was the end of my village.

By Kayden Wolferstan

Little Thieves

I gripped my magnifying glass handle tighter and tighter. As I frantically searched high and low for my lost item. I rushed around the house and started to sprint threw the living room past our big cabinet when something caught my eye. I screeched to a holt, almost falling over. I whipped my head around and slowly walked up to the the humongous cabinet where the item had been sitting .

I reached the cabinet and I put my magnifying glass up to my eye and then everything made sense. There were little foot prints in the dust on the cabinet shelf and the outline of the item.

By now my father who was reading the newspaper was interested in what I was doing, I said I was just playing a game but this was no game!!!

Chloe Thomson

The Watchers

She had it! She was fleeing the portal entrance. She knew there wouldn’t be much time until we came! She, wanted to live. She called us The Watchers. We had seen it in her diary. We were sure she was from the dark side.

She had just about reached the boarder between Kaitan and Earth when, boom!!!! Something exploded from behind her! We realised that the explosion was meant to kill us. We now new that we had to let this girl live. She was one of the chosen one’s lost daughters. She had The Lost Scar, a mark upon her right arm.

We had to find her quick, before They did. They used to be the chosen one but used her power against people, she turned to the dark side and has tried to get rid of The Chosen Family ever since. The girl was here to save us, so we must try to save her.

By Lily Eade