Monday 28 November 2016

Kate's Pobble

The Wave

One calm day in New York City people were wondering around unexpected of what will happen...

Then the city started shaking buildings were rocking back and forward CRASH!!!!! a 24 stored building came crashing to the ground. Then the great bridge was starting to crack in the road. Suddenly water squarted up from both sides of the bridge 20 feet high, then came crashing down devouering the bridge.

The water levels roses the only way to survive was to get to high ground and get into a helicopter.   ]

By: Kate Hindle

Thursday 17 November 2016

Pobble 365 The Shadow

Poppy heard sticks crack. She felt like someone was watching her but it was to late to turn back now she had to keep going. Everywhere she looked there were trees swaying in the wind  but she new that she  wasn't alone. Poppy saw a show again. The fog was getting thicker. She ran up to where she saw the shadow but by the time she got there it had vanished. She looked everywhere for it but there was no sight of the shadow. Poppy looked at her watch it said 7:00 she thought that she should go back but then she heard a voice inside her head inside her  head saying
''Help me''
"Who are you?"
"Get out of my head!"
"Poppy help me"
"No get out"
"Follow me"

follow me Poppy thought but what does that mean? Poppy was frightened now but she just peeped on following the path. "Why oh why did this have to happen on halloween" said Poppy maybe it was the shadow or just the wind but poppy new that she should keep on going. Her watch said 8:00 it was getting dark so she got out her torch out. Poppy saw the shadow agian this time it turned around and walked over. Poppy could see it clearly now and  as it came closer and closer the figure became a girl called Emma. Poppy and Emma became good friends later on  poppy asked how Emma got into her head and Emma said magic and they both laughed.

Pobble 365 - The Creepy Shadow

The creepy shadow continued walking into the distance, suddenly the shadow began to run faster than quick silver, Misty began to chase after the shadow and she was running faster than she thought she ever could, like a fox chasing after a rabbit.She dropped some of the blueberries she had  recently been picking that morning.Misty could hear her black,shoes crunching along the brown, crispy leaves. Suddenly the shadow disappeared  into the foggy mist, Misty sat down on an old,wet long to catch her breath,she grabbed a hand full of blueberries and devoured them instantly. While sitting down she began thinking about all the things the shadow could be, and then it hit her could it be Henry.Her big brother how was caught in a raging fire one year ago near the woods.Maybe he didn't die? She didn't know it was all quite a mystery to her.

By Loralye Mclean

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Bobble 365

As she looked for the mysterious shadow lurking in the woods, she suddenly drifted back into goosebumps. A single tear ran down her cheek, remembering her long lost husband passed in these grimy,dull woods. Julia’s gown puckled over the deceased weeds along the fossiled fence she planted herself down on to the fobiotic muck, she covered her face and grieved in soro, Was it her long lost husband ?

By Allyssia

Kate's Pobble365

Pulling her scarf tightly around herself, she stepped forward into the woods towards the place where the shadow had been... then she saw again, walking slowly to the ghostly figure that stood within feet away from her then vanished. The girl looked around to see if she could see the shadowy figure , but wasn't there. Until a slight tap on the shoulder spinning around terrified, but nothing or no one was there.
"Skylar," the voice said.
"Who are you? How do you know who I am?" Skylar yelled not knowing where it came from.
"Skylar, don't you remember me?" the voice asked coming closer to Skylar who suddenly realized
"Brother," she said in amazment.

By: Kate Hindle

Tuesday 15 November 2016


In the big, loud city lived a wealthy business man named Dave. Dave lived in a 40 story apartment with his family. Dave's job was a business man he loved his job because he was paid lot of money. The problem was that dave didn't have a wife because they split but the children decided to stay with Dave. He felt lonely because when he finishes work there was no body to say like how was your day? and reasons like that. How the problem was solved was that a nice woman named Kelly started at Dave's work and they got married and started a business together and called the business Kelly and Dave's Bro's.

By Josh Gill

Chloe Pobble

Pobble 365

I decided to get out of the house and go for a walk before dinner. So I made my way to the closest track. Passing a park and I saw the swing slightly move back and forward. I brushed the thought away trying to convince myself it was just the wind and a breeze. But in the back of my mind I truly didn't think it was. I continued walking a little further to a track entrance I walked in taking in my surroundings. It was so quiet and peaceful. Owls hooting and rabbits running up the track as I walked I heard the slight crunch of branches and gravel underneath my feet. I stopped and it fell silent, I looked at the dark scenery, the trees silhouettes that stood out the most. It was slightly scary but I tried to forget then as I was about to move forward, I heard a big 'CRUNCH' but it wasn't from me. I didn't dare turn around, thoughts raced through my head 'maybe it was just a rabbit'  'maybe it was a person just walking'  'were the coming after me' I heard it again I slowly got the guts to turn around. I saw something terrifying. A Dark silhouette was standing about 7 meters away from me, I froze. He took another step and another I turned back around and bolted as fast as could. I heard the person shout "stop"!! in the scary and most terrifying voice. I heard there foot steps fasten, he was just behind me, I ran faster and ran out of the bush into and open field filled with fog. I could hardly see anything other than a dim light in the corner of the Field which looked like a street light. I turned back around to see if I was still being chased. As I stood in the middle of the field I saw it standing at the exit to the track laughing with an evil cackle. I turn around and ran for the street light as I got closer it was more clear. I made it to the pavement and recognised the street. I was only a little way from home, I ran home and burst through the door locking it behind me....

By Chloe Thomson