Tuesday 6 September 2016

2016 Polyfest

On Thursday 1 September the whole school (Yes all 295 students) went down to Stadium Southland and preformed a range of songs, including our school song 'We are Winton.' Each syndicate sang 3 songs including the school song. By Ryan and Owen 

First Aid

                             First Aid

In room 12 in week 5 we have been learning about first aid. In first aid we have been learning the DRSABCD and about CPR in the right situation and also looking for danger when helping a person that is injured. And the DRSABCD stands for Dangers, Response, Send for help, Airway, Breathing, Commence CPR and  Defibrillation.

By Josh Gill

First Aid

                             First Aid

In room 12 in week 5 we have been learning about first aid. In first aid we have been learning the DRSABCD and about CPR in the right situation and also looking for danger when helping a person that is injured. And the DRSABCD stands for Dangers, Response, Send for help, Airway, Breathing, Commence CPR and  Defibrillation.

By Josh Gill


In week 5 we had an Attiude presenter come to our school and talk to the year 7 and 8s about attitude. 
His name was Phill, he told us that there are four personality that you might fit into...
1: The Otter = Entertainer
2: The Lion = Leader
3: The Golden Retriever = Peacemaker
4: The Beaver = Hard Worker
The link to see what personality you are you can go to attitude.org.nz

He also told us that we can change our future by helping someone the people we care about and not to judge someone by how much money they have or what they look like because the might be the nicest person you have meet. 
Don't make fun of people behind there back if you catch them then maybe the are not really your friends. You should trust them.

By: Kate Hindle

The Olympics

During the Olympic Games Room 12 have been studying a New Zealand Olympic athlete that was competing this year. We all had different athletes and could present our information anyway we wanted to. We had the duration of the games to finish our individual projects and have all the information we needed to present our work. Over the time period of the Olympics we had to have finished: a KWL chart (what I Know, what i Want to know and what i have Learnt), a two page spread timeline in our  Topic Books, a title page, bibliography to record where we obtained our information and a notes section on our athlete. Our project had to include: a Mini Bio on our chosen athlete, their achievements, what is involved in their event, expected and predicted placings, the training needed and their progress, results, and any personal bests obtained during the Olympics.

We have also decorated the group room in our class with lots of information, pictures and our work.  Everyone had a Olympic year starting from 1896 when the Olympics started all the way to 2016. We had to write a small paragraph about our year to go on our timeline on one of the classroom walls, although some people had to complete 2 or 3 paragraphs about the Olympics due to class members being away. Also in the group room is some information such as tragedies, boycotts and cheats, New Zealand at the Olympics, the mascots and more. We completed these activities in groups.

Studying the Olympics was very interesting, fun and educational with so many things to learn about and we have all enjoyed it

By Rylee Nattrass