Sunday 29 May 2016

Rocket Science

On Friday we played with rockets. For a start we put one cup of white vinegar into a pump bottle and a rolled up a tissue with baking soda. You then take it outside and slip the the baking soda into it. Shake it hard and run back. Admire it and all of its beauty. The way the rocket works is quite simple. The white vinegar dissolves the tissue paper, letting the baking soda free. The baking soda and vinegar mix, to cause a chemical reaction. This builds up pressure in the bottle, eventually popping the cork off so it can launch. The experiment didn't always go to plan though. We found out that a small bottle with a cork worked better than than a large bottle with a lid.  We also found out that the amount of ingredients we use matters.

By Richard Meechang, Ryan Anderson and Alex Wallace 

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