Tuesday 31 May 2016

Pobble 365

In Room 12 we have been doing quick writes. We use a website called Pobble 365, and Miss Carran or Miss Bradley will pick a photo. First we will discuss the photo, and then we will write about it. We try to use topic vocabulary and to try not to make it too long. The photo up above is the one I did mine on.

By Ryan Anderson.

Monday 30 May 2016

The Spy

It had been 5 days since the special key that his grandmother gave him disappeared. David was freaked out! He knew what was going to happen if he had lost it. The punishments where going to be no TV for a month and cleaning up the donkey poo for the rest of his life.

Now David had been looking for the key for 3 days. He is thinking to himself “Should I just tell mum and dad the truth?” He thought then he heard his dads foot steps coming behind him and then his dad said
“Son what are you looking for?”
 “Uh nothing dad just looking for my book”
“Ok then”.
Then after dad left Mum and Dad needed the key to show and unlock grandmas house. But then an idea struck his brain where he could of left it.
 “Oh no in the donkey poo when I was cleaning the donkey.

By Josh Gill

The Watchers

I kept running as the black, melicious crows chased after me demanding their egg back. I didn’t know where I was going. I was just praying for somewhere safe. Suddenly, I saw an old, run down, wooden shack up ahead. My lungs were burning like a bomfire and my feet were frozen like I had been standing in the freezer all night.

Finally, I burst into the rusty old shack. I placed the egg on the ground and slammed the tin door shut. I waited for what I thought was five gruelling minutes and then I poked my head out the door. They were leaving with a white snow covered rock about the same size. They must’ve thought it was there egg.
“Whew,” I said to myself as I  hoped they wouldn’t come back.

By Ryan Anderson.

Sunday 29 May 2016

Rocket Science

On Friday we played with rockets. For a start we put one cup of white vinegar into a pump bottle and a rolled up a tissue with baking soda. You then take it outside and slip the the baking soda into it. Shake it hard and run back. Admire it and all of its beauty. The way the rocket works is quite simple. The white vinegar dissolves the tissue paper, letting the baking soda free. The baking soda and vinegar mix, to cause a chemical reaction. This builds up pressure in the bottle, eventually popping the cork off so it can launch. The experiment didn't always go to plan though. We found out that a small bottle with a cork worked better than than a large bottle with a lid.  We also found out that the amount of ingredients we use matters.

By Richard Meechang, Ryan Anderson and Alex Wallace 

Thursday 26 May 2016

science rocket

In room 12 we have been doing a lot of science experiments. The one I am going to talk about is the rocket one. First we put a cup of vinegar into a pump bottle then added baking soda in a roll of tissue paper. Then shut the lid and shook it and hoped it would explode. And after a few goes it was a great rocket.

By Josh Gill


On Friday last week we did science. We were given cups and asked to layer ingredients inside them. The liquids and solids we layered were corn syrup, food colouring, oil, baking soda and white vinegar. This experiment was done to show how some liquids mix and others don't because of their density.


Thursday 19 May 2016


In class we have been learning about science with Miss Carran. We did  quick drawing activity of what we thought a scientist looked like these are ours.

By Josh Gill

Polyfest T-shirt Competition 2016

These are the winning entries from previous years  plus a couple of designs that Miss Carran brought in. Please ignore Lily.

In room 12 we have been asked to enter some T-shirt designs for the Polyfest T-shirt Competition. The theme this year is ' Navigate your journey.' For more information visit murihikupolyfest.co.nz. There will be details to enter and also you can learn all about the competition.

By Ryan Anderson.   

Thursday 12 May 2016


In cooking we made mousetraps,potato fritters,scones,cinnamon pinwheels,pizza,basic biscuits,and make your own biscuit,and pizza.
my favourite was the pizza because it was fun and a challenging.
The hardiest was the make your own biscuit because was hard to no what ingredients to put in and if we put to much sugar in also it was hard to no if it was good or not.
I really enjoyed it.
bye Sarah.

Technology With Miss Munro

This week group 2 in room 12 did food technology with Miss Munro. We made scones, mousetraps, cinnamon rolls, pizza, salad, biscuits, potato fritters and our own biscuits. Madi put in chocolate milkshake flavouring, blackberry jelly crystals and white chocolate icing. She called it Blackberry Choc Delight. I put in chocolate milkshake flavouring, raspberry jelly crystals and brown chocolate icing. I called it Raspberry Trees. We made boxes for our biscuits and made raps to market the biscuits.


In Room 12 we have been having a fabulous week at technology. Our class got split into two groups and one half of us went to Miss Munro and the other half went to Mr Wilmot. I was in Miss Munro's class. It was very fun and we learned to make delicious food. We had so much fun and we can't wait to go back in week 4 term three. To give you a fair idea of what we done we made biscuits, potato fritters, salads, mouse traps, scones and pizzas.