Monday 4 April 2016

Science With Mrs Collet

In science we have been observing how to tell the difference between a boiled egg and a raw egg without opening it. We came up with ways that we could tell the difference between them, so we tried  spinning the eggs on the desk and one of them would spin more than the other and most people thought that the boiled egg spun the most and the raw egg didn't. This happened because the yolk in side the egg was moving around causing the egg to tip to one side and stop spinning where as with the boiled one it had been cooked and the yolk went firm so there wasn't yolk going everywhere inside the egg.

Another observation we did was we got four different coloured M and Ms and a plate of water. What we did was placed the four M and Ms in four different spots on the plate and waited for a minute. After a minute we looked at them and all of the dye had started coming out of them, after a while all of the dye that had come out of them had made quarters of the colour that the M and Ms were so the plate was filled with colour. Soon Mrs Collet came around and placed a different coloured one right in the middle of the plate so when that spread it mixed with other colours. Also the white shell started flaking off and just floating  on top of the water and the coloured dye was at the bottom of the water. Mrs Collet asked us why we thought this happened and we thought it was because the dye was more dense than the water.

By Alyssa Lambie.

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